Saturday, September 15, 2007


Both the Hire Success Personality Profile Report and the Hire Assist Integrity Survey provide a Sample Interview Questions section to each report. Questions are developed based on how each applicant answers the test questions. On the Personality Profile, there are several criteria that will trigger questions. One of the most common is whenever the system determines there is a high probability that a certain personality traits may be "situational". For example, each Trait scale provides a range between two generally mutually exclusive traits, like "introverted" and "extroverted". If an employee or applicant answers the questions on the test form in such a way that indicates they have reasonably strong characteristics of BOTH a very introverted person and an extroverted person, Sample Interview Questions are generated to help you learn why they responded in that way on the test.
In most cases, you will find the traits on that scale will appear in their personality based on the situation or environment in which they are in at the time. The key for you, as an employer, is to present some reasonable scenarios regarding the job or position for which they have applied, and learn how they may react in those situations. In many cases, their responses will be quite appropriate and perhaps just what you're looking for. Having the ability to identify potentially "situational" traits, is a unique feature of the Hire Success Personality Profile. Another less common reason why the person may have answered the questions inconsistently, is they may have been trying to sway the results of the test. Although less common than situational, the Sample Interview Questions can be a real asset during the interview, as the last thing an applicant wants to hear questions about are the traits they were trying to sway. Seeing their reactions to the questions will tell you a quite a bit about them and if they were being truthful on the test.

WHY INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ARE HELPFUL - Studies have shown that most interviewers ask essentially the SAME questions. Most applicants have gone on many interviews before they arrive at your business, and they have heard the same questions over and over. They are often better prepared with answers for those questions, than you are for interviewing them.

In fact, many web sites, like, provide instructions on HOW to answers the most common Interview Questions to make the applicant look good. As an employer, you know that the interview is not a "beauty contest" to see who can look the best, but it is your limited opportunity to try to get to know the applicant well enough so you can make an informed, and accurate decision as whether to hire the person or not. All too often, employers tell us applicants looked "great" during the interview and said all the "right" things, but when they got on the job, they weren't anything like what they appeared during the interview.

If this has ever happened to you, you understand the importance of conducting an in-depth interview. The questions on the Hire Success "Sample Interview Questions" Report will be questions they've probably never heard in an interview before because they are based solely on how they answered the questions, and all questions are business and job related.

MULTI-TIERED INTERVIEWS - A problem companies often encounter with multi-tiered interviews, is that the more levels of interviews the applicant is exposed to in your company, the more people are telling them what you are looking for in an applicant. By the time they make it to the final interview, usually with top management, they've been well prepared by the previous interviews to be able to tell you exactly what you want to hear.

Some customers want to only test the final few candidates for each job rather than purchasing tests for every applicant or employee who may apply for the position. Here are our recommendations for your consideration:

TEST EVERY APPLICANT THAT APPLIES - The Hire Success system is designed so you can have every applicant that applies for a job take our Personality Profile, either online, or by pencil and paper. In most cases, our customers ask the applicant to mail or fax their resume, and go online and take the Personality Profile. Since online test forms arrive by email, you have not paid anything for them to have taken the test; you only have an email with their answers. No paid credits are deducted from your Hire Success System until you SCORE the test. We suggest saving the email message until you've received the resume or application. If they do not have the background, education or experience you're looking for, and you can't interview them, simply DELETE the email form information and you've paid NOTHING for them to have taken the test.

RUN REPORTS ON ALL QUALIFIED APPLICANTS - Instead of waiting for the applicant to go through several levels of interviews, score the tests for every applicant that does have the background, education and experience you're looking for. Using the Hire Success "Baseline" features, you can quickly identify those candidates who also have the Personality closest to the best employees in that job in your company. Put those people on a "fast track" for the interview so you don't lose the opportunity to hire them in case they are offered another position before you can get around to a series of interviews. Many "top" employees are never interviewed, either because they weren't properly identified quickly enough, or they took another job offer before they completed the interview process with other companies. Don't put yourself in the position of having only the "second tier" of applicants from which to choose.

INCREASING THE ACCURACY OF THE REPORT - Although the COST of Hire Success Reports is so LOW, that any company can't afford NOT to test all qualified applicants, some companies still only want to test the top 2 or 3 candidates that make it through the interview process. It is still most beneficial to have had all applicants at least take the test online and gather the information prior to even the first interview. The more interviews they have with people in your company, the more they have been told what you're looking for and the greater the temptation to answer test questions based on what they "think" you want, rather than solely what they are really like. Since it COSTS NOTHING to test people online and hold onto their answers, even if you only score the final few candidates, the information you have will have been based on their answers BEFORE anyone told them the characteristics of the ideal employee.

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