Friday, October 12, 2007

Pharmacist Questions for Interview

What were your least favorite rotations and why?

Have you ever had a major conflict with a preceptor/doctor? If so, how did you handle it?

What qualities do you expect in a preceptor?

What would your pharmacy preceptors say about you?

What is one of the major issues facing pharmacy today?

What practice areas are you interested in?

Describe a clinical intervention that you have made.

Choose a topic relating to clinical pharmacy, and we’ll ask you a question about it.

What do you anticipate a typical day in your career to be like?

If you were alone on a deserted island, what three medications would you bring with you?

Here’s a scenario we would like you to consider: You are the only pharmacist in the pharmacy. On the phone is a nurse wanting to know dosing for a dopamine drip for a patient who is crashing. At the window is a doctor who is ranting and raving about an enoxaparin order that wasn’t approved. On the other line is a nurse calling about a patient with a vancomycin level of 15. In what order do you handle these problems?

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