Friday, October 12, 2007

Veterinary Questions for Interview

Accidents happen in every profession. What if you kill an animal by accident (wrong drug, surgical mistake, overdose, etc)? What would you do?

An owner brings in a young healthy dog and wants you to euthanize it because they will be moving
out of the state. What do you do?

What are two diseases that would be common in a thirteen-year-old cat?

What can you do to make a dog that is afraid of doctors more comfortable?

How do you know if a cat is scared?

What current issues do you think veterinarians are involved in?

How do I feel about euthanasia? Do I have a problem with it?

What are 5 qualities of a great vet

How do you deal with stress, how do you relax, who do you turn to if you're stressed?

What is the difference between animal rights and animal welfare?

Why do you want to be a vet?

Out of your vet experience, what do you enjoy the most?

How do you feel about using live animals to practice surgery, etc?

Tell me about the appealing/non-appealing parts of veterinary medicine

Would you treat an animal hit by a car even though the owner won't pay?

Who should you call if you think the animal you are treating may have been abused? What legal avenues can the vet pursue if any?

Do you have a right not to treat an animal?

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