Friday, October 12, 2007

Sales Questions for Interview

What makes you different from any other salesman?

Pick anything in this room and try to sell it to me.

What do you like and dislike about presentations and why?

What do you see as the key issues in negotiating?

What do you see as the key skills in closing?

How would your present prospects and customers describe you as their sales representative?

How many rejections do you take in a typical week?

How do you move forward from a string of rejections?

What are some of the challenges you see that are facing this industry?

What are your top three open-ended questions for initial sales calls?

What do you think are the most important skills in succeeding in sales?

In your current position, how much time would you say you spend directly with prospects and customers throughout the sales day and what specifically do you do with them?

What type of sales cycle is most rewarding to you? A long cycle for a big ticket item or a series of smaller, more frequent sales.

What do you like and dislike about the sales process and why?

What do you like and dislike about the products or services you're selling now and why?

What are your favorite selling books?

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