Friday, October 12, 2007

Teacher Questions for Interview

What do you expect from the school principal, psychologist and superintendent?

What are the greatest teaching strengths you would bring to a teaching position?

What would you tell a parent who complained about his/her child not having enough homework?

Imagine that you replace a teacher during the year. Describe how you would become acquainted with parents and students.

In your opinion, how effective are parent conferences in solving student problems?

How do you let parents know the progress of their child?

Tell me some ways you would involve parents in your classroom.

Describe some ways you can inform parents of what is going on in your classroom.

What two core teaching strategies do you most use to achieve this result?

When you think about your students, in what major ways do you most want to influence their lives?

What do you need to know in order to begin your lesson planning for a class?

What three things do you most want to know about your students?

How much do you want to know about your students in order to be most helpful to them?

What are your three most important reasons for wanting to be a teacher?

You have heard students complaining constantly about another teacher. What would you do?

What do you believe is the major purpose of teacher evaluation?

What talents do you bring to this position?

How would you go about setting standards at the beginning of the year?

How do you get students to do what you want them to do? Describe your system of classroom management.

How do you get students to develop in self-discipline? Can you teach this?

Who should be responsible for the discipline in the school?

If you have a student disrupting your classroom, what steps would you take to solve this problem?

What is your attitude towards individual vs. total class punishment?

Compare negative and positive reinforcement and describe effects of each.

What steps would you take to get a student who has been tardy to be more punctual?

What would I expect to see in your classroom's physical environment?

Describe what diagnostic and proscriptive learning means?

What are the various ways for materials to be presented to students such as in social science?

If you were asked to get in-service experience in one area of the curriculum, which area would you choose?

What goals do you hope to achieve in your subject?

In which curriculum area do you feel particularly strong?

Name some ways that a student in a group can show you he has the concept?

How would you individualize the learning process in your classroom?

How can you tell students are learning? Evaluation techniques?

What does individualized teaching mean to you?

What do you understand the inquiry method to be in science or social sciences?

Do you prefer homogeneous or heterogeneous grouping? Why?

How would you decide on groups in mathematics?

What reading programs do you have experience with? What do you like or dislike about them?

If you were hired to teach starting this September, how would you go about setting up your reading program?

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